Liankai sniffs that they don’t have a clue. Later that night, Qin Sang says all the editorials hold that Papa Yi seems to think more highly of Liankai now ever since Lianshen had to step down temporarily. But when they pose for a photo together, Papa Yi makes him stand on the right which has Liankai looking a bit disappointed. Press conference where Liankai gets to shine. Also, Slimy is now actively working against the Yi family. Though not immediately obvious, we’re into the second arc where the rivalry between the brothers starts to intensify and Papa Yi really gets a bee in his bonnet about testing both sons. With public indignation high, Papa Yi has to relieve him of his military command for the time being. Lianshen has created a PR disaster with the beating up of civilians. ‘Are you worried about me?’ Then flops back onto the bed and says he can’t go anywhere. Says if she’s that scared, she should take Papa Yi away. She brings up Adjutant Song again but he cuts her off and says confidently his brother would never try to kill him. She then says he himself showed another side when he got them out of the mess on Mt. Liankai tells her not to be afraid as he’s around. She says she saw Lianshen kill someone and had never imagined he could be that brutal. The violence in the streets has unsettled Qin Sang. In which Liankai is disappointed yet resigned. I thought I could recap 10 and 11 together but 11 turned out to be so entertaining and interesting that it’ll have to be recapped alone.